Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jasa Pembuatan Website dan Jasa SEO Kota Solo

Kami melayani pembuatan website perusahaan, instansi, personal, blog, bahkan toko online dengan sistem yang berbeda dengan jasa pembuatan website lainnya. Karena team kami yang mengerjakan website juga  memiliki kemampuan yang bisa di andalkan dalam desain dan Jasa SEO Solo ( Search Engine Optimization ) yang menjadikan website anda mudah dalam pencarian mesin pencari. Soal harga jangan di khawatirkan, kami memang tidak ada tarif untuk memberikan harga tersebut. Anda yang tentukan seperti apa website yang di pesan, kami akan memberikan harga penawarannya. Selain itu bagi yang hanya memiliki modal pas-pas an tentunya kami juga akan mempertimbangan dengan kondisi keuangan Anda juga, itu Anda bisa menyebutkan budget yang tersedia untuk website berapa dan kami akan memberikan gambaran yang terbaik pula.

Sebuah website memang perlu saat ini, apalagi Anda memiliki sebuah perusahaan yang sedang berkembang, maupun usaha yang menginkan sebuah toko online. Itu biar kami yang atur semuanya, Anda tinggal hubungi kontak kami, berikan data yang Anda inginkan seperti apa nantinya dan percayakan semuanya kepada kami Jasa Pembuatan Website Solo. Dan kami akan secepat mungkin memberikan penawaran harga. Jangan sampai nama domain website Anda di ambil orang lain dengan tertinggalnya Anda untuk membuat sebuah website maupun toko online.

Anda bisa menghubungi kami melalui email maupun SMS di atau melalui nomer 085728705224. Kami yang bekerja berdasarkan kerjasama team yang memiliki kemampuan bidang sendiri-sendiri tentunya akan sangat optimal dan profesioanl dalam membuat sebuah proyek. Bagi Anda yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah kota Solo bisa langsung ketemu terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui informasi lebih jelasnya. Jangan khawatirkan juga dengan hasil kerja kami, Anda akan mendapatkan garansi yang terbaik dalam masa pengerjaan juga. Selama website masih memiliki kekurangan di mata klien akan selalu kami benahi sampai maksimal.
Daffi Shacy

Choice Plus Indonesia - Konsultan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia

Sebuah perkembangan bisnis perhotelan yang sangat pesat tentunya akan sangat kita butuhkan dalam sistem manajemen di kinerja pengolahan sebuah bisnis perhotelan. Jasa konsultan hotel di Indonesia yang sudah berkembang dan memiliki partner kerja yang banyak akan saya berikan review sedikit di artikel kali ini. Sudah cukup puaskah Anda sebagai pemilik hotel dengan kinerja bisnis yang Anda jalani sekarang? Apabila kurang memuaskan akan saya berikan salah satu Perusahaan yang berdiri khusus untuk manajemen serta konsultan hotel dan restoran Indonesia yaitu Choice Plus.

Konsultan Hotel Choice Plus Indonesia telah terbukti untuk membangun dan mengelola konsep yang berbeda banyak hotel dan restoran di Indonesia.Choice Plus Indonesia adalah hotel katering, global dan restoran perusahaan konsultan manajemen. Perusahaan penasihat terpercaya serta operator untuk bisnis terkemuka bangsa perhotelan, pemain tim tim, bakat dinamis inovatif dan kreatif muda. Dimiliki lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman di hotel dan industri restoran di Indonesia, Singapura, Hongkong serta Belanda.

Konsultan Hotel Choice Plus Indonesia bekerja dengan organisasi-organisasi terkemuka di seluruh pendidikan, reservasi online, sektor publik dan sosial. Skala kami, ruang lingkup, dan pengetahuan memungkinkan kita untuk mengatasi masalah yang orang lain tidak akan bisa melakukannya. Perusahaan Choice Plus konsultan hotel dan restoran memiliki fungsional mendalam dan detail keahlian perhotelan industri serta analisis untuk mencapai keuntungan yang maksimal. Mengambil tantangan besar yang penting bagi klien Choice Plus serta bekerja seperti yang kita lakukan dengan Team Choice Plus.

Konsultan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia Choice Plus membawa banyak klien untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses dan memimpin pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung hingga tercapai kesuksesan dalam sebuah bisnis usaha sekarang ini.
Daffi Shacy
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jasa Pembuatan Website di Solo

Apakah anda membutuhkan jasa pembuatan website di solo ? kami siap membantu anda. Jasa kami melayani anda untuk keperluan pendidikan, bisnis, sosial dan kepentingan apapun. tidak ada salahnya jika anda menggunakan jasa web kami. Kami akan berusaha mewujudkan keinginan anda untuk memiliki sebuah website yang anda inginkan. Tentunya sebuah website yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Untuk masalah harga bisa menghubungi kami.

Di solo merupakan kota yang potensial dalam perkembangan bisnisnya. Perkembangan UKM berpusat pemasarannya di solo. Untuk menjaring pasar tentunya dengan sebuah website yang anda miliki akan lebih meringankan anda dalam memenangkan pasar memperoleh pelanggan dan relasi. Langkah anda benar jika anda menggunakan jasa pembuatan website solo kami.

Hubungi kami :

Daffi Shacy
Monday, August 6, 2012

American Theocracy - Book Review

Books, Book Review, American Theocracy, Kevin Phillips, Politics, Oil, Economy, Debt, Energy, 21st Century
In his two most recent books, American Dynasty and Wealth and Democracy, Kevin Phillips has perhaps rightly earned the prestigious moniker of America's premier analyst and critic. Now, in his new release, a doom and gloom tome some 480 pages long, Kevin Phillips assails three overlapping, growing, forces that threaten to rain on the parade of the American way of life. Actually, American Theocracy : The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century, at $26.95 retail is still a great value because it is really three books in one, with just enough threads woven between the very different but often interrelated fabrics to help illustrate the upcoming perfect storm. Kevin Phillips, as a former Republican strategist and observer for over 30 years, has a keen sense of the current political and economic landscape. When contrasted against his commanding historical perspectives, the author is aptly able in his book to show how past world powers, from the Roman to the British empires, have faced and failed the same critical circumstances the United States currently faces at the beginning of the 21st century. American Theocracy demonstrates that essentially every world dominating power is lured by the sirens of global over-reach and ultimately falls into the traps of resource depletion, runaway debt and the wars of militant religion. 

In Part I of American Theocracy, Kevin Phillips looks at the ramifications of our preocupation of oil, past and present. The book maintains that American supremacy was derived by our exploitation and effective use of a newly useable form of energy on the world stage. While other nations were trapped in their inertias of coal, wind and water infrastructures, America quickly realized the versatility of this black gold and leveraged a nation around it. In fact, with only roughly five percent of the world's population, Americans still consume over 25 percent of the world's oil. But supply of this precious resource has always been a concern. American Theocracy points to World War II especially, which was waged by Japan and Germany to secure their hold on this vital fossil fuel for modern economies. The book takes care to explain that America itself has been heavily involved in its own petro-imperialism over the last century. Moreover, the life blood of our economy is becoming more difficult to find and extract even as the world economies are demanding more. One little know fact in all of this, as other Middle East supplies are being exhausted, is that Iraq is the last large pool of oil on the planet. And all of this still virtually untapped, near the surface. 

American Theocracy describes how Iraq has never been able to pump much of its oil, with U.N. sanctions in the 90's, war with Iran in the 80's and so forth. With the thinly disguised cloak of spreading democracy and fighting terror, it is of little surprise, given our history of petro-imperialism in the Middle East, and the fact that there is an estimated one trillion dollars in estimated profits for the (American) companies who will pump it, that we found ourselves with troops in Iraq. Complicating matters further, Part II of this book explores the unprecedented rise in evangelical religion and its surging influence in American politics, especially under the presidency of George W. Bush. Kevin Phillips believes Republicans view the world in apocalyptic terms and endeavor to shape domestic and foreign policy around fundamentalist religion. This undue influence of faith over fact, and religion over (prudent) reason has resulted in inept policies, which only serve to weaken our respect, prestige and effectiveness in the world. This zealous underpinning has put us on a collision course with much of Islam, swelling the ranks, ironically, of terrorists, not to mention many other miscalculations, putting us in peril of a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

American Theocracy describes how we are endangering our future, as virtually every war is fought over resources or religious ideology. We seem to be running out of the former and have an over abundance of the latter. In Part III, American Theocracy contends what is the traditional hallmark of an overextended world power: over consumption and massive public and private debt. Huge trade deficits, trillions of dollars in national debt and financial speculation, made worse by the influence of big business and Wall Street on Washington only serve to exacerbate the problem. The Republican Party, once the icon of sound fiscal policy, has discarded its ideals by mortgaging our country's financial health and future to the whim of other countries in order to fund and maintain our status quo around the world. American Theocracy : The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century is not without its critics. Many feel Kevin Phillips is biased and bigoted in his view as he tackles the concerns he has for the Christian right and their influence in America today. Others may feel he is not always accurate in his facts. But this is to be expected by stirring the pot and necessarily not always being politically correct. Having said that in view of the import of the thesis presented in no way detracts nor dismisses these vital problems all Americans face.
Daffi Shacy Books
Friday, August 3, 2012

Now, Discover Your Strengths - Book Review

Now, Discover Your Strengths
There seems to be no lack of the number of books written about personality traits, talents and how to more effectively manage personnel to the advantage of the organization. However, Marcus Buckingham, coauthor of the book First, Break All the Rules, and Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, now provide managers with a positive approach to help identify and utilize strengths of individuals to the benefit of the organization in their bestselling Now, Discover Your Strengths. The book maintains that this unique, positive approach of focusing on strengths is far more effective in achieving success than eliminating weaknesses, given that we all have inherent strengths and natural weaknesses no matter what positions we might have. For example, the book points out, it does not matter if you are Bill Gates or Tiger Woods. True, these are individuals with tremendous talents that have made them well known in their respective fields, but they also have weaknesses that play into the mix. It would seem our brains are programmed by nature from early childhood, no matter how good our nurture, to start being selective in a few key areas. It is as nature intended it to be. Without being selective, and allowing many of the billions of connections we are born with to lapse into disrepair, we would become dysfunctional with information overload. Therefore, it is understandable that with sufficient practice, while we might be able to learn different tasks well, we will never be great in these areas unless we have a natural innate talent for them. Unfortunately, most of us do not have a good sense of our talents, let alone the ability to effectively use our strengths to our advantage. Rather, most of us spend our lives becoming all too aware of our weaknesses and spend our time trying to deal with our flaws, while neglecting our innate talents. 

 However, most original and potentially most revealing, to address this problem, Now, Discover Your Strengths provides access to a web-based interactive questionnaire, developed by the Gallup Organization, that quickly identifies your top 5 (out of a total of 34) positive "personality themes", such as: Achiever, Deliberative, Harmony, Empathy and so forth that you might naturally posses. The book goes on to elaborate how each of the 34 unique themes can be identified, complete with individual profiles describing how each might act and what each might "sound like." As each sees the world through their own strengths filter, it is easy to have friction between different individuals within the same department or organization, because we all see the world, and how it should look, so differently. While one may hear what someone else is saying, they may not be able to assimilate it into their own world effectively. This is why partners or advisors are often so effective, as they ad balance to the limits of others. One word of caution however: do not buy this book used if you intend to take the preference test. 

There is a unique, one-time code that comes with each copy of Now, Discover Your Strengths, which is absolutely necessary in order to access the website's resources. The book has limited value without the ability to take the online test. However, the test alone is well worth the price of the entire book just by itself. With this resource, you will better understand how to build a "strengths-based organization" by capitalizing on the fact that such traits are already present among those within it. With an estimated 8 out of 10 people in this country not really in a position to capitalize on their strengths and talents, chances are most of us could benefit from reading this book. As most of us fail to capitalize on our strengths, it is not surprising that most departments in any company, no matter the size of the organization, are not operating at even par performance. The risk doing nothing is costly- not only in lost productivity, but in job satisfaction, employee retention and absenteeism and so on. 

 This groundbreaking, resourceful book is easy to read in short concise chapters. Along with the associated preference test, Now, Discover Your Strengths, is a positive cost effective solution in resolving problems, and helping each employee achieve his or her full potential. This is must read for managers and office teams who want a win-win solution in improving their own departments, as well as the lives of those who work for them.
Daffi Shacy Books
Monday, July 23, 2012

How To Choose Air Compressors

There are three main types of air compressors. Which you need will depend on the air pressure you need and how portable your compressor needs to be.

Reciprocating compressors come in a range from 5 HP to 1000 HP. The smaller compressors are portable, sometimes being mounted on wheels. These may be petrol driven or electrically powered. They compress air by a series of pistons in cylinders. The pistons are driven by a camshaft. Reciprocating compressors are often used in Auto Body Repair shops.

Larger reciprocating compressors are gradually being replaced by simpler rotary screw compressors. A large reciprocating compressor can discharge air at 35 Mpa, more than 5,000 psi.

If you are looking for a compressor for continuous use a rotary screw compressor may be suitable. These compressors use helical screws to compress the gas into a smaller volume. Portable and fixed rotary screw compressors are available. These compressors vary in size from 5 HP to 500 HP. You will find rotary screw compressors that give you a low pressure gas output, or a high pressure output, up to 8 Mpa. These compressors are used to power pneumatic drills when workers are digging up roads and pavements.

For continuous, heavy industrial uses you need a centrifugal compressor. A centrifugal compressor uses a rotating disk with vanes. Output from centrifugal compressors can be as high as 70 Mpa, 10,000 psi. Snow blowing machines use this type of compressor. Superchargers and turbochargers in car engines are centrifugal compressors.

When you buy compressed air for diving the air has been compressed using a three stage, reciprocating compressor. The cylinders in the compressor are ceramic lined, so no lubrication is needed. This avoids the air in the cylinders being contaminated with lubricating oil. If a non-recommended lubricating oil is used it can undergo partial combustion and cause carbon monoxide to enter the air cylinder.

The compressed air is filtered through silica gel to remove water, then through activated charcoal to remove any traces of oil.

Sometimes air from a cheap, low powered compressor will be stored in a bank of large high pressure cylinders. Air from these cylinders is then used to quickly fill diving cylinders. The diving cylinders need to be filled slowly to prevent the compressed air inside them from getting hot. If the gas inside is hot, it will expand and the cylinder maximum pressure will be reached with less air inside. The gas cools and the cylinder may only be half full.
Daffi Shacy Electronics
Sunday, July 22, 2012

About Embroidery Machines

What happens when you combine the old hobby of stitching designs to a cloth or fabric with computer technology? You get an embroidery machine! Before embroidery is being done by hand that meticulously and painstakingly takes for several hours to finish. With the development of the embroidery machine, the process narrows down to a mere few minutes and even seconds. What is good about embroidery machine is that accuracy and perfection is always assured every time the needle starts to move. Since it is computer generated, every stroke of needle is assured to land on the right spot. 

If you are considering buying an embroidery machine, here are some things you should do :

Doing an initial research on different embroidery machine on the market (online or offline) is the best first step towards your goal of owning one. This would give you an overview of the type of embroidery machine you would need. From here you can now set your budget. Limit your shopping to your set budget so as not to get surprised once you are already shopping. One important remainder: an embroidery machine could cost thousands of dollars so you have to be mindful of your set budget. Make sure you don’t go with the most expensive for sometimes, cost cannot be equated with quality.

After you have done some initial research and have already set your budget, you should not rush on the nearest appliance store or online shops. You should identify the features you want. Some embroidery machines are built for industrial purposes- the ones that are tough and can do several stitches in short span of time. Some embroidery machines are capable of stitching on soft fabrics. Some would do well in leather and heavy fabrics. So what should you choose? If you think you would not be able to put it under extreme work, then there is no need to buy high-end machines. Other embroidery machines are so complex; they can do several tasks in one time. Though it is very tempting to buy this kind of machine, still have to ponder if you can maximize this type. Make sure that the embroidery machine you buy would definitely serve your purpose.

If you are only beginning to love embroidery, make sure you settle for basic machines. Upgrade only once you progress your technical skill. Most people would tend to buy the most sophisticated and complex embroidery machine you could find. And more often than not, these machines are left useless and gathering dusts for owners do not know how to use it. 

If you are planning to make embroidery a living, you still have to consider its purpose. Choose a machine that would answer the specific task you expect them to give. For example: if you desire a machine that would solely do embroidery, then settle for a particular one that would do the specific kind. 

Several embroidery machines have additional accessories that could be added afterwards. Usually additional accessories compatible with the machine are enumerated. Choose an embroidery machine that does not necessarily have the most accessories. Instead, choose one with accessories you can use.

Finally, make sure you do not go primarily for brand names. Although you can surely trust those with good and tested names, go after the product, features, warranty, service, and price.

Daffi Shacy Machine

All About Espresso Cups

True espresso drinkers are the ones who will be more likely to make a big deal out of the cup or drinking glass that their espresso is in! However, if you're an average individual who simply prefers the taste of espresso over other coffee beverages then you may not care all that much about the specific cups that your espresso sits in. However, in other countries besides the US espresso cups are actually thought to be more of an art than anything else. For example, in Italy and parts of Europe espresso cups are hand made. If you are enthusiastic about drinking espresso then finding the right kind of espresso cups is probably pretty important to how you drink the beverage. In addition, however, buying a set of espresso glasses is also a great gift that can be given to avid coffee and espresso drinkers. Here are a few tips that go along with buying espresso cups, though, that pretty much everyone should be aware about:

The Quality of Espresso Cups

The first and foremost issue that you'll want to be concerned with is the quality of the espresso cups that you buy. There are definitely all different types of espresso cups that can be bought, including sturdy plastic, glass, among other materials, but the best quality material that is frequently chosen for espresso beverage cups is porcelain. Not only have porcelain cups been a tradition throughout many countries down through the ages, but making the cups has been an art in and of itself! 

The size of the porcelain espresso cup also makes a big difference as well. Traditionally, however, porcelain cups that are used for espresso usually come in 2- to 3-ounce glasses. This is not to say that you'll be filling the entire espresso cup with the espresso beverage, but many people like to add toppings such as whipped cream and chocolate shavings as well! Pouring about 1-ounce of espresso mixture and leaving the rest of the room available for toppings is what most people do when they have their typical espresso shot!

The Style of Espresso Cups

As mentioned, many espresso porcelain cups have a personal touch added to them and many people make a big deal out of the design that is frequently shown on espresso cups. There are all sorts of neat designs that one can choose for their espresso cup, but the digital age has truly revolutionized the way images are put on glasses and other materials throughout the world. For this reason there may be high-tech and colorful espresso glasses around the world thanks to some of these great pieces of technology! Nevertheless, though, espresso cups are traditionally bought with having a good design in mind.

All things considered, the materials of the espresso cup as well as the design are two issues that espresso drinkers consider important about their special drink. Drinking espresso has had a long tradition throughout many countries in the world and part of that tradition rests on just how it is consumed!

Daffi Shacy Kitchen

A Review of Popular Metal Detector Products

Metal detectors come with a control box that contains the circuitry, controls, speaker, batteries and the microprocessor; a shaft that connects the control box and the coil; a search coil that actually senses the metal; and a stabilizer that keeps the unit steady as it is moved. The performances of the detectors are based on the features of these parts. 

Tesoro Metal Detectors

At less than 2½ pounds, the Tesoro Golden Max lets you control what you want to find. It is the lightest detector in the market with full size depth, sensitivity, four tone audio ID and a user adjustable Notch Filter Discriminate.  The Tesoro DeLeon is a Target Identification Detector (TID), named after the famous explorer Ponce de Leon, who searched Florida looking for treasure and the Fountain of Youth. The DeLeon is designed as an easy to use, turn-on-and-go detector. 

Whites Metal Detectors

The Whites E-series metal detectors include the following models.  DFX™ brings together the ultimate combination of sophisticated microprocessor technology, and turn-on-and-go simplicity. It has an operational frequency of 3 kHz and 15 kHz.  The XLT® Metal Detector is high-performance simplicity and versatility at its best. It has five programs to choose from along with 10 Basic Adjustments, and 29 Pro Options.  The MXT has three completely separate operating modes -- gold prospecting, coin/jewelry, or relic. 

Prizm Series

The Prizm series include Prizm II, III, IV, and V. All have a pinpoint mode that zeroes in on target location, instruction videos that show when and where to hunt. 

Fisher Metal Detectors

Dr. Gerhard Fisher, a German immigrant, obtained the first patent ever issued on aircraft radio direction finders in the late 1920s.  Fisher's 1266-X comes factory shipped with 8-inch Open Center Spider Coil, instruction manual and Fisher's 5 Year Warranty. It has a duel discrimination system, which will allow you to search at a great depth. This unit does not work very well on wet saltwater beaches. 

Garrett Metal Detectors

The Garrett Super Scanner hand-held detector can detect a medium-sized pistol from distance of 9" and even a tiny 1” piece of jewelry. Simplicity of operation of this metal detector is unmatched.  The Garrett SuperWand Security metal detector is one of the most popular metal detectors. It provides uniform sensitivity 360° along the scan area and pinpointing at the tip to detect weapons and other metal objects with extreme accuracy.  The Garrett Magna Scanner PD 6500 Walk through metal detector has some unique features. Its ultra-enhanced multi-coil detection field pinpoints the exact location of any metal object within 33 distinct areas of the archway. 

Bounty Hunter Metal Detectors

Bounty Hunter metal detectors are made by First Texas Products. The Tracker IV priced at $160 is streamlined in appearance, with only two operating controls and a mode selection switch. The Tracker IV has a built-in Automatic Ground Tracker that maintains ground balance.  The Bounty Fast Tracker offers value for your money. It is a user-friendly instrument that delivers effective performance over a wide range of conditions and applications. 

Minelab Metal Detectors

The Minelab Explorer II priced at approximately $1395 is a coin and jewelry detector with an operating frequency between 1.5 – 100 kHz. The signal travels deeper at a lower frequency and the signal detects objects close to the surface at a higher frequency.  The Minelab Quattro MP, priced at approximately $1300, is suited for use in parks, beaches or the battlefields. Minelab’s FBS technology provides outstanding performance even on saltwater beaches.

Daffi Shacy Electronics

Learn More About What Elliptical Machines Have To Offer You

Elliptical machines have so much to offer you but nothing at all is simply going to happen with just a few workouts, so do not think you will get off that easy ok people! Too many people want results without putting in a substantial amount of effort to get those results and you all need to know it does not work that way. Getting into shape is definitely going to take time on your part and a great deal of determination.

People choose different kinds of workouts for themselves because we all have our very own preferences when it comes to exercises that we enjoy or that we feel we benefit from the most. It does not matter what exercise you are choosing to do, as long as you take time out of your busy day, each day, to do it and do it right. Elliptical machines can help you to reach those goals and you will not only start looking better but you will also start feeling better real soon too.

Using exercise equipment such as elliptical machines will give you confidence, strength, endurance and better cardiovascular, which will improve your overall health. If you are choosing to try out an elliptical machine the next time you go to the gym to workout, please make sure that you are certain you know what you are doing, before ever getting onto the machine. Otherwise you could end up straining yourself or overdoing it completely.

Over training can be really bad for you and can cause you to get so very burned out that you end up quitting all together, which is not something you ever want to happen. Elliptical machines being used each day, along with eating more nutritional foods and having a better attitude, will get you much further in life and help you become a much stronger individual, which is what most people want anyway.

Try changing up your workouts each week so that you can become more familiar with all of the different elliptical machines throughout the gym and so that you do not ever risk becoming burned out on doing the exact same kind of workout all the time that you walk into the gym to get in your daily activities. Staying active is definitely going to improve your overall health, as well as adding several years to your life, which we would all hope for right!

If you are considering purchasing elliptical machines for your home, be prepared to pay a pretty penny, there is no doubt at all about that. These types of machines are very expensive, sometimes even outrageously expensive. Make sure that you shop around for awhile before choosing to make any kind of purchase, that is going to leave a huge dent in your wallet.

Elliptical machines can and will improve every aspect of your physical health and you will notice results probably after two to four weeks of training consistently. Good luck!
Daffi Shacy Machine
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

115 Ways to Prevent Anxiety - Book Review

Mike Marcoe writes from first hand experience in his book 115 Ways to Reduce Anxiety, providing advice from the view of one who has traveled the road of anxiety for a long time, undergoing therapies and combing through mountains of research. His experience has resulted in this self-help guide to people looking for ways to manage their condition in a proactive and healthy manor. Mike has a passion for non-fiction educational and self-help genres. He has attained a BA in English and has been in the writing industry for a number of years performing as an author, copy editor, proof-reader, a database guardian and has also worked for a newspaper. 

self-help, non-fiction, education, health, anxiety, guide
115 Ways to Prevent Anxiety will provide readers with wise nutritional advice, herbal remedies that may ease anxiety symptoms and plenty of positive, proactive attitude enhancement skills. The author provides excellent tools for getting peace from anxiety disorders. News to me was how dehydration plays a part in nervous disorders – something I will be much more aware of in the future. I am completely curious about how philosophy can play a part and I intend to investigate this possibility when I have more time. Also, I am encouraged by having it confirmed that taking up a variety of activities - drumming, living an active life, regularly doing meditative and breath enhancing yoga, walking the dog and gardening – has been a good step in the right direction for me. I truly feel like I am on the right track to taking the power into my own hands to live a life free of anxiety. There are no wasted words here. At only 88 pages, the text can be considered short and sweet. The author’s intent for his book is to entice readers to delve deep inside and discover what triggers their anxiety, why this happens and learn how to prevent reoccurrence. Individuals can reap rewards from this self-help, non-fiction guide – however, educators would certainly benefit in using this as a workbook in anxiety support groups. This book is also available in print and electronic formats to fit a variety of needs. 

 ISBN#: 1-59113-872-8 
Author: Mike Marcoe 
Daffi Shacy Books

52 Homes In 52 Weeks - Book Reviews

The door is open for anyone interested in acquiring a real estate fortune, thanks to a new book that shows how. 

52 Homes In 52 Weeks
To counter the suggestion that great deals are the exception and not the rule, best-selling author Dolf de Roos and Gene Burns challenged themselves to buy one home every week for an entire year. They acquired these properties using a variety of financing and acquisition techniques, which they document in "The Insider's Guide to 52 Homes in 52 Weeks" (Wiley, $16.95, paper). 

The book doesn't just chronicle what they did and how they did it. It also shows readers how they can take these techniques and apply them to their own acquisition program, whether they want to buy one house a week or just one a year. 

In the beginning, the authors looked for pre-foreclosure homes and then feverishly tried to find tenants for them. Towards the end, they signed up tenants and then found houses for them to move into.

Topics in the book include how to determine your strategy and getting started; learning to ask for help; finding the right location; lease options; owner financing; pre-foreclosure and many more.

Dr. de Roos, PhD is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-selling author.
Daffi Shacy Books
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